2019 - so long ago, only yesterday...

Created by David 4 years ago

Time has ticked on, lives have changed. Dan has left home and so has Em (Harry). The time has come for me to leave too. A new life, a new home. Many miles will be travelled betwixt our memories and the formation of new ones. It could be a million for all it matters. You don't forget because of distance: memories and love never fades.

It's time for me to disconnect from the physical constraints of a place that holds as many sad memories as it does happy. I choose to leave them and just take with me those that make me happy. I reject the lonely and hollow years, the tear-soaked, the anger beaten, the anguish clawed. I choose to bundle up the happy and warm, the good and the wanted and set sail on a new voyage, in the knowledge that I am loved both past and present. I am OK.